Here, Hold My Purse
I like to spend time with Mrs. Wonderful (yes, that really is her married name) even if it involves shopping. Of course, like all activities there are caveats. I don’t even enjoy watching football 100% of the time.
The other day we were spending quality time together shopping for
running shoes (because that’s what you do after eating too much over the
Holidays). We decided to stop at Runner’s Corner to see if they had shoes
suitable for Mrs. Wonderful’s feet. The salesman was very helpful and
knowledgeable and helped her try on approximately 475 pairs of shoes—hoping to
find one that fit just right and didn't cost as much as a car payment.
Runner’s Corner is really cool and even has a mini jogging track
(approximately 182 laps to the mile) so that you can try the shoes out in “real
world” scenarios. Apparently, in order to properly try the shoe in a “real world”
scenario, you can’t be encumbered by a purse. Have you ever seen a women jogging
with a purse? Cell phone, iPod, car keys, pepper spray, emergency essentials,
and all of the above at the same time—yes. Purse? No. Apparently, purses aren't like old shoes or backpacks that can be discarded anywhere, they’re like babies
and must be held at all times.
Conundrum, what to do with the purse while jogging at the running shoe store?
In my wife’s fantasy, the Old Spice guy would suddenly appear (shirtless) flex,
and save the day by gallantly coddling the purse while carrying her around the pretend
track. In real life, Mrs. Wonderful turns to her middle-aged husband of
20-years and orders; “here, hold this.”
But I don’t want to.
For me there’s only one thing worse than holding a purse—holding any
form of feminine hygiene product. I don’t care what it is. I don’t want to be
the guy walking around the store carrying boxes with the words “Acti-Fresh”, “Carefree”
or “Amazingly Clean Protection” printed on them. The other day my wife handed
me three items to hold while she looked for the perfect shade of lipstick or
nail polish or hair color or some other form of artificial color. I quickly
noticed the pink box and went looking for a shopping cart—an action that did
not go unnoticed by Mrs. Wonderful who commented; “you just couldn't stand it
could you?” No I could not.
You can look cool, fatherly and even manly when holding a baby, but
when you hold your wife’s purse you look like—a guy with a purse. So, what’s
the correct way to hold a purse? Do you leave it on the ground and stand over
it like a guard dog? That could work but limits your fight or flight options. Do
you throw it on your shoulder like you own it? Yeah, not in my world. Do you
hold it at arm’s length like a stinky diaper which lets everyone know it’s
clearly not yours? The Missus disapproves of this method.
When you absolutely must hold the purse, I prefer to either, a) hold it
awkwardly using one or maybe two fingers (depending on the weight and size of
the thing) which lets everyone know it’s UNDOUBTEDLY not mine or, b) grasp the
strap tightly and wield it like a medieval weapon, poised to strike down the
first person who snickers at a guy holding a purse.
Given no other option, I awkwardly held the purse and wandered over to
the clearance table where I found a respectable pair of running shoes for only $14.99.
They seemed to fit so I snagged them. Meanwhile, the Mrs. had narrowed her
selection down to two pairs, both costing as much as a car payment. She decided
to continue her quest for the perfect shoe. I purchased the $14.99 pair. So,
other than the momentary discomfort I experienced while wielding the purse, the
trip was a success. I got some new running shoes and jointly we only spent
$14.99. However, as my astute cousin pointed out, the Missus can now buy the
expensive pair because when you take into consideration my fifteen dollar pair,
the average price of two pairs would be quite reasonable.
Look for more purse holding at Runner’s Corner this week.